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This section features the research projects which I carried out during my academic and workdays.


Data-Driven prediction of Indoor parameters and control of comfort in office buildings in UK

Doctoral thesis

My doctoral thesis revolves around the topic of thermal comfort, indoor air quality and machine learning-based control. High-level monitoring system integrated with the controls can help to give more insights into space and can give the flexibility to control.

In progress


This section features the academic projects which I did during my Master's and PhD degree.

ASHRAE Design competition 2019

College Campus

Hospital Building, Budapest

The project was to design low energy and sustainable hospital building in Budapest, Hungary. The new building was attached to an existing building. My role was to do the energy analysis of the building in IES VE and to optimize it. Also, I did the water reduction, LCC, and LCCA of the building and energy systems. This was a group project which involved people from different backgrounds. We were able to reduce the energy by 65% and carbon emission by 30%.

Natural Ventilation Cooling Strategy in buildings


Office building, London

In this coursework, we were given the task to model an office building in the UK and to use a different strategy to save energy. 
I modeled the building in IES VE and used two different cases of a night ventilation strategy to cool the building and to save energy during the summer.

Low Energy Building Design


Office building, Rome

In this coursework, we were given the task to model an office building in Rome, Italy, and to reduce the energy and carbon emissions. I did the climatic analysis to understand the climate in Rome and then modeled the building in IES VE and used different passive strategies and simulated it. Finally implemented renewable energy to create a net-zero energy building. 
Also through this module, our university is helped us to write the BREEAM exam to become BREEAM Approved Graduate.

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